Thursday 9 October 2014

Career astrology: Some Effective Remedies for Getting A Good Job

Career Astrology: Some Effective Remedies for Getting A Good Job
There are certain remedies which are easy but quite effective in making you professionally do well. Here are some remedies which one can use for his benefit:

1)  Every morning, the first thing that you should do is joining your palms and looking at them. It brings luck and wealth because your palms are the place where Goddess Lakshmi resides.

2) On Saturdays, feed crows with boiled rice. This is because crow represents Saturn, which determines out professional success. Feeding the crows satisfies Saturn.

3) Every morning, offer water with jaggery from a copper vessel, to the rising Sun. This should be done during the sunrise. Recite  “Om Hreem Suryaaye Namaha” 11 times while offering the water.

4) Career AstrologyRecite Gayatri mantra and Mahamrityunjay Mantra each for 31 times everyday.

5)Lord Ganesha, also called as Vighna Vinaashak (who eradicates obstacles), hence his beej mantra would destroy all the obstacles that you are facing in your professional life. Lord Ganesha mantra is “Om Gam Ganpataye Namaha”

6)Hold a lime in your right hand and insert 4 cloves in it. Now recite the Hanuman mantra for 21 times “Om Shree Hanumate Namaha”. After this, keep the lime in your purse or pocket. You will see your business growing, and find good job opportunities coming your way. If you have a scheduled business meeting or a job interview, do this remedy before leaving, you will get success.

Career Astrology: Following these proven remedies surely bring success in your business or profession.


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