Wednesday 25 November 2015

Roots of Indian astrology

Vedic astrology of our times has left us with a deep insight of dealing with the karma of lives. It is including meditation with practice, which neutralizes effects of a bad astrology. Vedic astrology is ancient science which helps us realize our true self and the divinity of soul. It provides individuals with a clarification of Karma. Vedic astrology lessens the uncertainty and anxiety of the individual's future in a remarkable manner. While it helps us navigate confidently within the confusing waves of Karma, one is aware of destiny and inner timeless self as well.

Vedic astrology uses sidereal positions of planets against the backdrop of relatively fixed stars as most astronomers also achieve. This astrology science calculates stars in night sky in Jyotisha, positions of planets and other significant aspects which are calculated with respect to a person's or event's birth data. The Vedic astrology is studied to derive almost 100 charts and tables, information based on rules of interpretation created by ancient sages and handed down to us in form of ancient scriptures and texts.

Vedic system of astrology easily makes cusp as beginning of house while western astrology makes cusp as the middle of house. This leads to forming of planetary positions in a Vedic chart which moves forward to the next house which is as relative to western chart astrology. Vedic astrology uses additional 27 fold divisions of the zodiac called nakshatra or constellations. In this regard the overall traits of personality are readable through birth star or Nakshatra of Moon than from the sun sign. Thus these positions of nakshatra of planets are understood to be read alongside a birth chart also. This is a most important part of Vedic astrology, much more than astrology signs.

Five main uses of astrology have been defined by Vedas as Kama (family and relationship), artha (finances), dharma (career and vocation), moksha (spiritual guidance) and arogya (physical and mental health). As our body is made of atoms so is solar system, when the laws governing movement of planets around Sun and electrons around nucleus of atom are same.     

Vedic astrology manifests with three qualities or gunas, i.e., Satva (quality of goodness), Raja (satva and tamas or dark qualities). The Planets are supposed to provide predominantly Satva Guna, shedding cool rays, which are like sacred water.  Some planets shed mixed rays (raja guna) and others poisonous rays (tamo guna) and still others with rays of no effect. The auspiciousness and inauspiciousness of the planets have been classified on the basis of these three types of rays.

Even the concept of muhurta in Vedic astrology is an indication of all three gunas from the planets with effects on humans. Positions of these planets vary because of their movement in orbits. There are specific moments, during which the atmosphere of the planets are favorable and they shed rays, which are helpful to us, and again there are some specific moments when these planets act harmfully. So there is great importance attached to the concept of Muhurta.

The planets and stars not only have effect on human beings but also on non-living things. The effects which the Moon and Sun have on the oceans cause high tides and low tides. Even modern science accepts that the 71% of the surface of the earth is covered with water and only 29% is land. Even our bodies and those of all the living beings constitute the same proportion i.e. 71% in water. So, if the Moon can cause tides on a non-living like the ocean, it can definitely affect a man who is a living being with a conscious mind.

Vedic astrology uses a system of planetary periods called dasha. Most important is a vimshottari dasha which is a 120 year old long cycle of planetary positions based on birth nakshatra. With the help of this dasha, a Vedic astrologer can foretell future events accurately. However western astrology does not have this dasha system and predictive capabilities as Vedic astrology have.